
See our Facebook feed below for relevant conservation tips, information, and opportunities to save water, so that we can all do our part to conserve this precious resource.

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Cover for One Water: Our Water AJ
One Water: Our Water AJ

One Water: Our Water AJ

A partnership between the City of Apache Junction, the AJ Water District, & Arizona Water Company.

Do you know your #ArizonaWaterFacts? Learn about the 100 year water supply requirement, water use by sector, and drought all through this great interactive resource:

Do you know your #arizonawaterfacts? Learn about the 100 year water supply requirement, water use by sector, and drought all through this great interactive resource: ... See MoreSee Less

1 day ago
We all live in a watershed! Apache Junction is in the Middle Gila watershed. What is a watershed? It is an area of land that channels rainfall and snowmelt to rivers, streams, and creeks.

Mountain ranges/high points on the land make up the boundaries of a watershed. Water flows from the high points/watershed boundaries to the low points (the rivers, streams, creeks) due to the force of gravity.

We all live in a watershed! Apache Junction is in the Middle Gila watershed. What is a watershed? It is an area of land that channels rainfall and snowmelt to rivers, streams, and creeks.

Mountain ranges/high points on the land make up the boundaries of a watershed. Water flows from the high points/watershed boundaries to the low points (the rivers, streams, creeks) due to the force of gravity.
... See MoreSee Less

2 days ago

Water Tips

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Cover for One Water: Our Water AJ
One Water: Our Water AJ

One Water: Our Water AJ

A partnership between the City of Apache Junction, the AJ Water District, & Arizona Water Company.

Contact Us

If you have customer service questions for Arizona Water Company, please contact them directly:

Phone: 602-240-6860 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

Apache Junction Water District:
Email: [email protected] | Phone: 480-982-6030 |

City of Apache Junction:
Email: [email protected] | Phone: (480) 474-5080 |

Apache Junction Water District serving Apache Junction, Arizona