
What is the One Water: Our Water campaign?

The One Water: Our Water campaign is a partnership between the City of Apache Junction, the Apache Junction Water District, and Arizona Water Company, intended to educate residents about water conservation and how important it is to our community’s future. You can learn more about our unique partnership, our goals, and ways you can save water on our website.

Read more on our campaign landing page and feel free to follow along on our Facebook page!

I am concerned about growth in Apache Junction. How does this campaign address housing and growth issues?

The One Water: Our Water campaign does not address housing and growth issues. The One Water: Our Water campaign was created to help the community use water more efficiently and to help ensure that current and future businesses as well as current residents in Apache Junction will always have enough water to create the quality of life the community desires in a way that’s sustainable.  To learn more about how the City addresses housing and growth issues, please see Apache Junction’s 2020 General Plan, which can be viewed here: https://www.apachejunctionaz.gov/518/2020-General-Plan.

Find out more about the One Water: Our Water campaign here.

How do we know there is enough water to serve future development?

Before new developments can get approved by the city to be built, the developers must secure an Assured Water Supply (AWS). The AWS Program is a consumer protection program administered by the Arizona Department of Water Resources that ensures new subdivisions have a secure supply of water with adequate quality for at least 100 years. Through the One Water: Our Water campaign, we are asking all residents and businesses to use water efficiently.  Future development, however, is required to bring renewable water supplies in addition to using those supplies efficiently.  Learn more about this in the AJ One H2O section of the Apache Junction General Plan, starting on page 54.

I'm already saving water. What can I do?

Thanks for taking the initiative to be water conscious. Every drop counts! Feel free to follow our Facebook page as we’ll be posting water-saving tips and sharing the successes of residents and businesses who are helping to conserve water.

Where does the water for Apache Junction come from?

The Apache Junction Water District and Arizona Water Company are the two water utilities for the City of Apache Junction. Both utilities have unique water resource portfolios but use a combination of groundwater and Colorado River water through the Central Arizona Project or CAP. As part of the One Water: Our Water program, a Water Journey Video will be produced that explains the water resources for both utilities as well as basic treatment and operation processes. We want residents of Apache Junction to be educated on where their water resources come from and all the hard work that utility staff put in to deliver safe, high quality drinking water to the taps throughout the city. Follow the Facebook page to watch the video when it is posted!

How to Get Involved

Stay up to date by following the One Water: Our Water Facebook page and get information relevant to the area. Also look through the FAQ tabs on this page to get information on common concerns on this program. Water is the foundation that Apache Junction was built on and we hope that everyone does their part to help to conserve it!

Contact Us

If you have customer service questions for Arizona Water Company, please contact them directly:

Phone: 602-240-6860 | Email: [email protected] | Website: www.AZWATER.com

Apache Junction Water District:
Email: [email protected] | Phone: 480-982-6030 |
Website: https://www.ajwaterdistrict.org/

City of Apache Junction:
Email: [email protected] | Phone: (480) 474-5080 |
Website: https://www.apachejunctionaz.gov/

Apache Junction Water District serving Apache Junction, Arizona